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    • Name of affiliation/organization Required

    • Affiliation Required

    • Department name

    • Position

    • Name Required

    • Email address Required

    • Inquiry details

    • We, AiCAN Inc., collect and store personal information in accordance with A. of JIS Q 15001:2017 (measures when obtaining information directly from the individual in writing, under A. The handling of personal information obtained through this input form is for the purpose stated in the third item, and we will not use it beyond the scope of these purposes.

      1.Name of the organization

      Name of the organization: AiCAN Inc.

      2.Name, affiliation, and contact information of the administrator in charge of personal information

      Name of the administrator: Takehito Sakimitsu

      Position: Director (CAO), AiCAN Inc.

      Contact: Tel: 03-6822-3650, Email:

      3.Purpose of use of personal information

      ・Personal information of those who inquire about our business is used to respond to inquiries.
      ・Personal information of job applicants is used for recruitment purposes.

      4.We will not provide any personal information you have provided to third parties except in the following cases:

      When we have the consent of the individual

      ・When required by law

      ・When necessary to protect someone's life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain the person's consent

      ・When necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the person's consent

      ・When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, local government or their delegated person in order to perform duties prescribed by law, obtaining the person's consent may hinder the performance of such duties.

      5.Handling of Personal Information by Third Parties

      In order to provide better services to our customers, we may outsource some of our operations to external parties. In such cases, we may entrust personal information to these third-party contractors. We carefully select contractors who are deemed to handle personal information properly, and ensure that appropriate management is implemented through contracts and other means, including appropriate handling and confidentiality measures, to prevent leakage of our customers' personal information.

      6.Request for disclosure of personal information

      Customers can request disclosure, notification of the purpose of use, correction, addition, deletion, cessation of use or provision to third parties of their personal information held by our company by contacting the "Personal Information Inquiry Desk" of our company. In this case, we will confirm the identity of the person making the request and respond within a reasonable period of time. For details on how to make a request for disclosure, please contact the "Personal Information Inquiry Desk" below.

      Personal Information Inquiry Desk

      AiCAN Inc.

      Innovation Center Building West 713A,
      Kanagawa Science Park,
      2-1-3 Sakado, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi,
      Kanagawa, 213-0012, Japan
      TEL: 03-6822-3650 (Reception hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm)

      7.Optional nature of providing personal information

      The decision to provide personal information to our company is voluntary. However, if necessary information is not provided, some services may not be able to be provided properly.

      8.Information mechanically obtained upon accessing this website

      For the purpose of ensuring the security of the accessed website and improving user services, our company may obtain information about the viewer through the use of cookies.

      Agree to the handling of personal information.


    If you are considering introducing this system,
    please contact us from the "Contact Us" page.

    Documents about AiCAN can be downloaded free of charge
    from the "Download" page.